Saturday, April 18, 2009

what is a trojan????

Oh, sure, we all know what a Trojan is! It's a kind of virus that... that what? You'd better know what these little mothers do, because they're all over the place. Download the free Antimalware application and let it run for five minutes and you'll see what I mean. It found 26 Trojans tucked away on the hard disk of my Fujitsu, and around 20 on the old Acer tower. Different from viruses... sure... because instead of wreaking havoc with your operating system, they stay out of sight, and may operate for years unless you attack with an anti-malware application and get a list of them and quarantine them. So what do these insidious little programs do exactly? I finally found out, thanks to the fact that I've rented out one of my rooms to a very capable PC expert and professional programmer who's currently visiting Paris. He explained it to me in a short explanation that left a chill in my heart. 'What does a trojan do? Think about it. If you want to design an effective trojan, you build one that will capture all the user's keystrokes and surrepticiously send them to someone, somewhere on the Web.' So there you have it, dear Reader. Some very alarming news. You've probably got at least a few trojans on your hard disk. Don't believe me? Try the software mentioned above. There's a better than even chance that every keystroke you enter on your keyboard is being read by someone else, far away, for purposes you'll never know. My lodger summed it up like this: 'I have two computers with me at all times. One, off the web, where I do all my proprietary and personal work. One, on the web, where I communicate with the external world. I never do anything I don't want others to read or purloin on a machine with web access.' That's so important let me reiterate: Never do anything you don't want others to read or purloin on a machine with web access. PS - Be very careful with Antimalware. After analyzing your drives, it will give you a list of infected programs. Don't quarantine all of them until you've examined them one by one. Some of them may be essential Windows applications or programs like Explorer. Quarantine that, and your computer won't work any more. If you've got a Trojan hiding in Explorer or another Windows app' there's just one fix: reinstall Windows, and quickly.

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